Stipe Miocic Wants Jon Jones Fight


By AJ Johnson

Stipe Miocic Pushes Aside Potential Tom Aspinall Bout

Stipe Miocic is a former heavyweight champion who just revealed that he’s desperately hoping to meet up with Jon Jones in the Octagon. There’s been growing speculation about who Jones might choose to fight next, and Miocic is looking to do whatever it takes for the opponent to be himself. 

Miocic was asked if he would be a top choice for Jones if he decides to return, to which he responded with, “I don’t care. I want that fight.” He later said that he was supposed to get into it with Jones a while back, with the UFC targeting a bout between them for July. Because they weren’t able to lock anything in for that month, Miocic claims that he could be hoping to get it locked in around November when the UFC returns to New York. 

It’s worth noting that Miocic is currently 41 years old and hasn’t fought in the UFC since 2021 against Francis Ngannou. Of course, this brings up the question of whether or not he’ll be ready for a fight, and if that fight will be his final in the UFC. He might not be able to give a confirmed answer as to that first question, though he admitted that every fight could be his last and that he’s thought that way since the very first fight he participated in.

Jon Jones aside, Tom Aspinall is still the interim heavyweight champion. Miocic was asked about a potential fight with him instead, but he doesn’t want that. He said, “I mean Tom’s a good champion, he’s a great champion. Young and hungry, I mean we’ll get to that road when we have to. I want Jon Jones. I don’t care about the title I just want to fight Jon Jones, that’s just it.”

It’s still unknown what will happen with Jon Jones and his next opponent, or if he’ll even decide to step back into the Octagon in the first place. Regardless, Miocic is hoping for that return and believes that he could be the perfect opponent.