The Vegas A’s. 1 Step Closer

Hello Vegas A’s!! Are the Oakland Athletics really thinking about moving to Las Vegas and moving out of Oakland like the Las Vegas Raiders did when they moved out of Oakland?

The move to Las Vegas for the Oakland Athletics has been suffering since April 11, 2021, they have been giving the permission to look at possibilities to relocate. The Oakland Athletics announced on May 9th of 2023 they bought the land where the Tropicana Las Vegas is located for a total of 1.5 Billion dollars.


The Vegas A’s New Stadium

They are saying the new stadium will seat 35,000 fans for the games. The start date and finish date is still at TBA. The plan for the Athletes to play in Las Vegas will be like in the year 2027.

The current Oakland Athletics are struggling and have possibly the worst record in baseball with 8 wins and 30 loses in the season and possibly the worst run differential of -142.

If you look at the move from Oakland to Las Vegas the Athletics aren’t the only team from Oakland that moved there is the Las Vegas Raiders that moved from Oakland to Las Vegas in the year 2020.

Vegas A's

The Oakland Athletics attendance for the past few seasons have been like below 1 million fans the numbers for them are as follows: in 2021 there was a total of 701,430 and the attend/Game was just 8660 fans 15th in the American league the worst in that division in possible the worst in baseball history. In 2022 just this past season the Oakland Athletics had over 787,902 fans and the attendance/game was 10,130 fans still dead last in the American League and in MLB.

You might be asking yourself if the Marines have the worst attendance well they are on this list as well but this will be a different topic and for different write up.

Before the Oakland Athletics became not a good team they are part of a thing Billy Bene had called the Moneyball theory with their team some of the players they had back then is Nofilter Network Co founder Eric Byrnes.

Eric Byrnes
Oakland Athletics’ right fielder Eric Byrnes dives for but misses a ball hit by Derek Jeter in the seventh inning Sunday, May 15, 2005, in Oakland, Calif. Yankees won the game, sweeping the three game series from Oakland to win their eighth consecutive game, 6-4, handing the A’s their eighth loss. (AP Photo/Ben Margot)

The Oakland Athletics had some great attendance from 1981-2019 their highest attendance was 2.9 million in the year 1990 where it was the year after they won the World Series vs. the Giants. Another thing people are wondering is what will happen to the Battle of the Bay series. I honestly wonder about that as well. Is it going to be called Battle of the Bay or will it be called that.

Leave your comments in the post which will be a good name for it. When we heard the rumors of Oakland Athletics moving to Vegas it was an ongoing rumor.

Another thing is when I play a game on my computer called Out of The Park Baseball 23 people in some of my online leagues they relocated the Oakland Athletics in Vegas and do a rebrand of the team or just keep it the Las Vegas Athletics.

We are just waiting with the MLB to see if an agreement is made for the team to relocate to happen but will the Athletics stay in Oakland or will they move to Las Vegas. I am thinking in my point of view it is possible they are going to be going to Vegas and part of me thinks they will stay in Oakland.

Also another thing is if they do move what will happen with the Oakland Coliseum where the teams plays at will it be removed or demolished or will it get new improvements or will the Athletics try to get a stadium in Oakland or move to Vegas.