Case Closed:

Devon Archer Pops The Lid On The Biden Crime Family Influence Peddling Scheme; Admits POTUS Is The “Big Guy”, Over 20 Calls With Son’s Business Associates

An Uncle Rico Production

Biden Crime Family

The Good Father: Joe Biden has worked hard to convince his voters that he is a man of family values, holding tightly onto his son from the life raft as he pulls them both under water. But who put him in the water in the first place?

July 31st, 2023.

This will be another footnote of significant recognition in the chapters of future history books detailing the demise of the Biden Crime Family, and a smear on American Politics. 

Today, the close business associate (and best friend of the American President’s son Hunter Biden) Devon Archer gave a closed-door interview with the House Oversight Committee (led by R-Kentucky Congressman James Comer).

What came after is sure to change the course of American history.

Devon Archer confirmed that current American President Joe Biden (then Vice President, serving under D-Barack Obama) was involved in his son’s business dealings, even going as far as going on speakerphone to remind the potential business partners what they were, in fact, purchasing; what going into business with the Bidens meant; ACCESS TO HIM.

As will be shown in the releasing of the transcripts from the interview later this week, Archer tells exactly what the “Biden Business Model” is, who the “Big Guy” is, and what exactly the Biden Crime Family was selling. Having been privy to access to these meetings (being a shady businessman himself) Archer listed the amount of times POTUS forced himself onto speakerphone to quell the concerns & agitations that come along when doing multi-million dollar deals with a shady, coked-out, sex fanatic trying to broker the deal. But, by Hunter Biden being able to call & access “The Big Guy” on a moment’s notice AND his father taking proactive steps to ensure the business partners are pleased with what they hear. It would be kinda brilliant, if it weren’t so illegal.

biden crime family

This also includes a phone call by the “Big Guy” around the time Archer & HB were on the board of the corrupt (and now defunct) Ukrainian energy company Burisma where he was asked to help Burisma gain a foothold into the New York Stock Exchange by getting rid of their roadblock; the state prosecutor investigating his son’s business, referenced by “Middle Class Joe” in his now infamous viral brag where he outlines withholding $1B in loan guarantees if the Ukrainian heads of state did not, in fact, erase the prosecutor from the proverbial whiteboard.  

 Add in the revelations found by Comer’s investigatory team on the Oversight Committee where multiple shell companies were tracked funneling money to & from, mimicking the playbook of Mafiosa/Crime Family financing, throw in dash of the BCF selling their influence peddling scheme to multiple American adversaries (such as China, and the newly acknowledged Kazakhstan) with the base of already known damning evidence from the (surprise surprise) now infamous Hunter Biden laptop, and you get a recipe for a Corruption Souffle at the highest levels of global politics.

Biden Crime Family

And how did the leading Democrat involved with today’s investigation sum up what he heard from Devon Archer? 

Well, how do you think……

“(It’s) kind of preposterous premise to think that a father should not say hello to the people that a son is at dinner with and that is literally all the evidence is”

-Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY)

That’s right, America. You are all idiots. It was just a father saying hello to some friends at a dinner; just “part of the daily conversations” between a father and a son. You somehow misinterpreted what his purpose was when he brought himself onto the phone calls during “dinner”; it had nothing to do with business. You know how Joey is a Chatty Kathy. 

And nevermind the fact that Biden has said REPEATEDLY that he has A) Never been in business with his son, nor B) Never talked to his son about his son’s business dealings. His son also never took money from China (False, thanks to the transcripts from his imploded plea deal last week) and Joey Biden himself marched with Dr. King Selma to Montgomery, AL. So you can take those to the bank also.

Needless to say, this story isn’t going away anytime soon.