NFL Going To Brazil; No Update On International Team

An Uncle Rico Production

On Wednesday, the NFL announced a significant expansion of its international presence. Team owners agreed to host a game in Brazil in 2024, marking the league’s first foray into South America. Additionally, the NFL plans to increase its international games from four to eight by the year 2025. 

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell emphasized the importance of expanding the league’s global footprint, noting Brazil’s significance as a growing market for the NFL. The inaugural game in São Paulo in 2024 is a key step in this expansion strategy. Apparently, Goodell thinks he’s God & can challenge Brazil’s national pastime of “fútbol”.


Despite these international initiatives, the NFL is not considering adding new teams outside the United States in the near future. According to sources following this story, the prospect of establishing an international NFL team is not expected for at least five to seven years, if not longer. This postpones any immediate hopes for cities like London, Frankfurt, Berlin, or Munich to host their own NFL teams.

The logistical challenges of setting up a franchise in Europe, such as travel distances and competitive balance, are primary concerns that the NFL currently cannot address. Therefore, the strategy to grow the brand internationally involves increasing the number of games played abroad, rather than team expansion.

I’ve also been told the NFL is in negotiations with Elon Musk to build them a “Super Hyper Jet” that can cut down travel time for the international games while also helping them travel to the moon, in case Goodell wants to play in outer space. 

The source that told me this is kind of an idiot, so take it with a grain of salt. He claims to have paid for a drawing on a napkin from Hunter Biden. I have yet to see the proof.

At a league meeting in Dallas, owners approved a plan to extend international games to 2025. In 2024, the lineup includes a game at São Paulo’s Corinthians Arena, three games in London, and one in Munich. The locations for additional games in 2025 are yet to be determined. This expansion could lead to as many as seven games being played in Germany and London.

The Jacksonville Jaguars, who have been playing one game annually at London’s Wembley Stadium for several years (also 2024), have denied any plans to relocate to London. They have recently invested in a $120 million practice facility in Jacksonville and are advancing plans for a new stadium in the city’s downtown area. Jaguars owner Shahid Khan has emphasized his commitment to Jacksonville’s development and the team’s future there. 

Still, some Londoners are hopeful. The Jaguars have found a second home in London, England. Every game played by the Jags across the pond has only seen higher turnouts & fan support. It has become a sort-of “home away from home” for the fans of “DUVAL”.

This expansion of international games reflects the NFL’s commitment to keeping all its teams in the United States for the foreseeable future, while still growing its international fan base.

What they actually mean is the NFL will explore all options that will increase the flow of money into our pockets. But good luck with trying to dethrone the world’s “football”. International soccer revenue makes the NFL look like a lemonade stand.

Besides, didn’t they try this already? Or was “NFL Europe” a pigment of my imagination?

But I digress…

Will the NFL ever have a franchise in Europe?

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