Jimmy Kimmel Threatens to Sue Aaron Rodgers, Pat McAfee Plays Peacemaker

Published by: Bear Acuda

“One Disney-owned broadcaster tries to play politics while another Disney mouthpiece threatens to sue him and his friend.”

That’s what the headline should’ve read.

Recently, Pat McAfee tried playing referee, as he attempted to express regret for his role in the escalating dispute between NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers and newly awoke late-night host Jimmy Kimmel. McAfee acknowledged the need to understand both perspectives, but hopes for a resolution and movement from beyond the conflict. Both Kimmel and McAfee work for sister companies of Disney (ABC and ESPN, respectively).


In other words, Patty Melt is not trying to have his fries and drink taken from his combo meal.

If you haven’t already heard, the controversy ignited following Rodgers’ appearance on the “Pat McAfee Show” earlier this week, where he hinted at a possible connection between Kimmel and the Jeffrey Epstein client list that was to be released a day later. This got Kimmel’s panties all wadded-up, as the try-hard political comedian (who seems to be going through some sort of image rebranding) had a sharp response on social media, with threats of taking legal action:

“Dear Aa—hole: for the record, I’ve not met, flown with, visited, or had any contact whatsoever with Epstein, nor will you find my name on any ‘list’ other than the clearly-phony nonsense that soft-brained wackos like yourself can’t seem to distinguish from reality. Your reckless words put my family in danger. Keep it up and we will debate the facts further in court.”


On his Wednesday show, McAfee, a former NFL player now turned sports BROadcaster, discussed the ensuing turmoil. He emphasized his reluctance to be embroiled in such matters, acknowledging the gravity of the allegations while doubting Rodgers’ serious intent.

McAfee noted that the open and candid nature of his show can generate significant news but also potentially legal issues, as evidenced by Brett Favre’s lawsuit following McAfee’s comments on Favre’s welfare funds case.

McAfee speculated that Rodgers’ remark was likely a crude joke, and understood Kimmel’s reaction to it. He also mentioned he quickly realized the need to change the topic as soon as Rodgers made the comment. His aim is to avoid fueling the feud and to maintain a light-hearted tone on his show.

Some things, obviously, people get very pissed off about, especially when they’re that serious of allegations,” McAfee said. “So, we apologize for being a part of it. Can’t wait to hear what Aaron has to say about it. Hopefully those two will just be able to settle this — not court-wise, but be able to chit-chat and move along.”

This is merely the most recent tiff between the two.


Kimmel started the feud back in November 2021 when he attempted to make fun of Rodgers for not getting the jab, referring to him as a “Karen”. It became all the craze during the pandemic for the bought-and-paid-for mouthpieces of Big Pharma to openly bully celebrities for not cashing their chec….sorry….”getting vaccinated” during COVID19.

Kimmel, once the star of shows that featured girls jumping on trampolines while pouring beer on their headlights, has decided to go the route of late-night host, Stephen Colbert, as some sort of reformed, “toxic male” who now sips exclusively from the liberal kool-aid, in an effort to stay relevant on a dying comedic format.

Whatever pays the bills, I suppose.

Did you know that Jimmy Kimmel still hosted a late-night talk show?

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