Aaron Rodgers is Practicing…But Should Anyone Care?

By Ron Johnson

The Aaron Rodgers/ NY Jets Story

The New York Jets are all but eliminated from the playoffs. They are garbage, and to this point, it would take a massive Hail Mary to clinch a spot in the postseason. To put it nicely, it would take a miracle for the Jets to even smell January after Week 18.

And if you were to ask Jets fans, that miracle has returned…and arrived?

In a move in which everyone is screaming about divine intervention, Aaron Rodgers is slated to return before the season ends in a few weeks…or is he? Another loss most likely knocks the Jets out of playoff contention, and there is a chance that the powers that be in the front office will not activate him if there is nothing to truly play for with a few weeks left in the season. 

Rodgers openly admitted that it would not make a ton of sense for him to return before he’s 100%. But in vintage Rodgers fashion, he didn’t say that he’s completely done this season. For the Jets to have any chance of ending the season on a positive note, they would need Rodgers because their other two options have not panned out very well. Yes, Zack Wilson had some bright moments, but he isn’t worth the price of admission. As for Tim Boyle, he’s just going through the motions so he can collect a game check. 

A season of hope for the Jets at the start has turned into a season of BS. And if anyone should feel slighted about this, it is the Jets fans. They spent all that money to have Aaron Rodgers moments all season long only to get a single shift from their new Jets QB before Sports Karma came calling. 

And again, this is Aaron Rodgers, the same guy who threw everyone under the bus during his last year with Green Bay. From receivers to offensive linemen to coaches, Rodgers made it clear that everyone in Green Bay was to blame for the team’s woes during the final stretch. And it is because of this that he may have all the accolades in the world, but he’s still a garbage person. 

Aaron Rodgers

I understand that the Jets fans feel a certain kind of way, but if the team is so bad that you made an old man almost lose his dentures telling you that you suck, then you know that you’re trash. The Jets are starting to realize, like New Orleans, that the investment they made didn’t pan out. It is not to say that signing Rodgers was a bad thing. But we already knew how much of a garbage player Rodgers was before he even took the field. Now all of sudden, everything he didn’t do in Green Bay, he’s suddenly doing now?

There is something about this guy that makes him unlikeable to most avid football fans. But his attitude now makes it worse. He got cast aside by the Packers due to his attitude, cast aside by writers as a Diva due to his constant “It’s all about me” attitude, laughed at by many due to his obsession with the Ayahuasca diet that didn’t improve his performance at all, and the fact that he was booed during his final game with the Packers, which was a loss to the Detroit Lions IN Green Bay, should tell you exactly what people think about when his name gets muttered anywhere other than the Five Burroughs of New York.

So for anyone who is surprised how Jets fans feel right now, or think that I’m blowing smoke, take a look at the picture below. That is how Packers fans felt at the end of last season.