An Uncle Rico Production
Thursday of this week will mark the beginning of LIVE football for all of us desperate & anxious who’ve been dying of boredom this summer.
Dehydrated spectators & travelers from far & wide will return to the oasis known as Canton, Ohio for the inaugural “Hall of Fame Game” on August 3, 2023 (that’s a Thursday, Sportsfans). With it also comes the newly cherished, time-honored tradition of Fantasy Football.
From its humble beginnings to a worldwide phenomenon, FFL (Fantasy Football League) is little more than a group of football/action junkies who like a little more sauce on their steak. And while the pots, celebrations, & most importantly, the sandbagging may vary from FFL to FFL (from the more meek & mild to the exceptionally audacious & extravagant), there is a simplicity to knowing where you will be every Sunday (and why).
From the FFLs of choir grandmothers to the ones filled with adult men handicapped by immaturity (also known as your old friends from school), America gets to take a break from focusing on being divided by politics, and back to our nomadic roots of being divided by tribes; but still together, all under one banner.
FFL The Cheat Sheet
Here is a list of the Top 130 FFL players, pulled from one of my favorite sources of Fantasy Football information, the Fantasy Football Calculator. We will be diving into further detail on what makes a good FFL draft, but having this article up on Draft Day is sure to keep you from drafting a kicker in the 4th round (I’m looking at you, Uncle Scar). Stay tuned.

Top 130 FFL Players who should be on your draft board: